
Accredited investor

An accredited or sophisticated investor is an investor with a special status under financial regulation laws. The definition of an accredited investor (if any), and the consequences of being classified as such, vary between countries. Generally, accredited investors include high-net-worth individuals, banks, financial institutions and other large corporations, who have access to complex and higher-risk investments such as venture capital, hedge funds and angel investments.

以前我是极其不关心理财知识,觉得自己没必要懂也没有钱投。但是现在来了解这些并不是说明我有钱了要来关注,而是发现自己无法看懂某些公司的做法而不得不补充。关于融资,我只是听过天使轮,A B C D E 等各个阶段的融资,好多在我眼前刷过屏的名词不胜枚举:基金,对冲基金,纳斯达克指数,恒生指数,沪深指数,上市意味着什么,为什么要上市,原始股,A股,牛市,熊市 ,黄金,炒外汇,期货……,看凤凰卫视只知道高盛,红杉资本,复兴,VC, PE的区别是什么都搞不懂,因为PE的全称我都没查过。先从合格的投资者开始:

accredited investors :

  1. high-net-worth individuals    :Beijing—May 7, 2013—The number of Chinese high net worth individuals (HNWIs)—defined as individuals with at least 10 million RMB (approximately $1.6 million) in investable assets—grew to more than 700,000 at the end of 2012, more than doubling since the end of 2008, and on pace to increase an additional 20 percent this year; this according to the far-reaching findings of the China Private Wealth Report 2013, co-presented at a press conference today by Bain & Company, the global business consulting firm, and China Merchants Bank. The leading report of its kind is the third biennial collaboration between the two firms on the outlook for private wealth and HNWI attitudes in China, having launched their first joint report in 2009, and then again in 2011.
  2. banks
  3. financial institutions
  4. other large corporations
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